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Instructor: Karen Ezra


Course Description: Why do we think the way that we think? How do children's brains learn? What happens when brains go wrong? In this course we will discuss all of the material that would be taught in a college level intro to Psychology class. We will have in depth, engaging lectures as well as discussions in class, with occasional at home assignments to strengthen student learning. At the end of this course the students will be prepared to take the Intro to psychology CLEP for 3 college credits. 

Course Objectives: We will study everything from the anatomy of our senses and brain to social motivations, great theories and experiments in psychology, and mental health disorders. While this will be like a college level class in what our scope is, I can promise you we will not delve into the worldly and "woke" topics that have been added in recent years in the colleges. All topics will be handled with a Christian perspective.

Grade Level: 9th-12th

Class Time: Tuesday 9:00AM-10:15AM

Course Duration: Full Year

Required Materials(s): Bring a notebook and a pencil and plan to take notes every class.

Recommended Book(s) and/or Materials(s): 978-0738610177 Clep Prep Psychology introduction. A used copy will be fine.

Classroom Expectations: I expect everyone to participate in our lesson time. We will have interactive lectures where the students need to be tuned in to what is going on to learn. They will need to leave their phones in their bag and focus to learn the best.

Grading Policies: 75 percent of this class will be attendance and participation, 25 percent will be the at home assignments that will help us with class discussion of the topic the following week.

Grading Scale: 100%-90% A, 89%-80% B, 79%-70% C, 69%-60% D, 59%-0% F

Psychology with CLEP (2024-2025)

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