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Who actually reads this stuff?

You do. Other people will email us to ask questions that are answered here, but you won't. Because you're awesome. Thanks for that.

Class Fees & Payments
  1. Program Application Fee: $125 per child, per year

  2. Class Fees:

    • Year-Long 1 day per week: $485

    • Year-Long 2 days per week: $660

    • Semester-Long 1 day per week: $245

    • Enrichment Clubs: $100 per semester

    • Study Hall: $100 per class block

    • Specialized Classes may have different fees. The prices are listed clearly in the registration page.

  3. ​Enrollment/Registration Fee: (20% of the class fee, remaining 80% may be paid in installments)

    • You must pay the ​Enrollment/Registration Fee to reserve your student's seat in the class.​​


Year-long classes run 32 weeks. Semester-long classes are 16 weeks.

Program Registration Fee & Class Registration Deposits are non-refundable.​

Payment Options
  1. Private Pay

    • Payment may be made in full at the time of registration, or you may pay the Enrollment/Registration Fee (20% of tuition for the class) and then pay the remainder in 7 installments via post dated checks or direct bank payment September—March. To choose this option, select "Manual Payment" at checkout, and Joy will contact you to arrange a payment plan.

    • If you have questions or need to make an additional payment outside your regular payment plan, please email

  2. Scholarships

    • We are a direct provider for Step Up for Students (UA) and PEP. Please follow the registration process on our website, and select "Manual Payment" at check out. Please write "Step-Up PEP" or "Step-Up UA" in your order notes. You will pay via scholarship by selecting us as your provider in your SUFS portal and allocating funds to the appropriate classes. Click here for a complete guide on how to do this.

Payment Policies

Class Source bases its annual budget on the number of students enrolled in the program. Therefore, parents are required to commit payment for their students for the entire school year by either providing payment up front, or using the post-dated check option. Many classes fill to capacity quickly and require waiting lists. Please be sure that your class choices are appropriate before registration, as refunds will not be given in order to ensure program longevity. (See Refund Policy below.)


Exceptions to this policy include:

  • Death of a parent

  • Moving more than 30 miles from a location

  • Unexpected loss of primary source of income due to unemployment (must provide documentation)


No exceptions are given for the following reasons:

  • Child re-enrolled in school

  • Child is tired of the program

  • Child has too many other activities


Please prayerfully consider this commitment before applying. You will be held liable for payment for the full year after the second class date.​

Refund Policy & Drop/Add Period

We realize that from time to time a student is placed in a class that is not a “fit.” Therefore, we do allow a student to drop a class within the first two class dates. This means that before midnight on the second class date ( whether it is a one day a week class or a two day a week class ), the parent may notify the instructor or director IN WRITING, via email or in person, and indicate that the class will be dropped. Enrollment/Registration Fee and Program Registration Fees are Non-Refundable; however, if a class is dropped within the Drop/Add period, you will not be responsible for the remaining 80% of the class fee. NO REFUND FOR ANY REMAINING CLASS FEES WILL BE GIVEN AFTER THIS POINT FOR ANY REASON OTHER THAN THOSE STATED ABOVE.


To minimize the chances of this occurring, it is expected that parents will speak with the instructor regarding any concerns before registration. Many classes fill quickly. We ask you to keep this in mind before taking a spot on the roster.

Illness Policy
  1. Please do not come on campus if you have:

    • a fever above 99.5 degrees

    • any visible flu like symptoms

  2. If your student begins to show symptoms while on campus we will:

    • isolate the student

    • call parents immediately​

Safety Policies
  1. No weapons of any kind are permitted on campus. This includes pocket knives and hunting knives.

  2. All drivers should use caution in the parking lot areas. Drive slowly and watch carefully for children or others crossing.

  3. Students on campus between classes must be either: (1) enrolled in Study Hall, or (2) directly supervised by a parent or guardian. Students in Study Hall must remain in the designated Study Hall area. No students are permitted in outdoor areas unless directly supervised by a parent or guardian.

Campus Property Policies
  1. Students must be in their seats and prepared at the start of the class period.

  2. Students may not go into any part of the building other than their classroom area.

  3. Students must respect the church and the property of others by not touching anything that does not belong to them unless they have permission.

  4. Students may not run in the building or climb on any walls of the building.

  5. Students may eat in the designated eating areas only. All trash must be thrown away and all belongings cleaned up and removed before an area is left.​​

Mobile Device "Away for the Day" Policy

In order to preserve a learning and community environment free from unnecessary distraction, and due to the limited time that our program meets each week, we are implementing this mobile device “Away for the Day” policy at Class Source beginning the 24/25 program year. (See the Away for the Day initiative at


We believe that students can maximize learning time and build positive social connections by being present with others.


  1. Student cell phones and all mobile devices (smart watches, internet capable small devices) shall be TURNED OFF and placed in the CELL PHONE STORAGE pockets on the door in each classroom and the study hall/sanctuary area, or zipped inside of their backpacks (again OFF) and out of sight. No phones on person, in pockets, or purses.

  2. If the Instructor wants the students to use their devices for an academic reason during class, the instructor will give students devices, monitor the use, and then return them to the storage pockets or backpack.

  3. Students may retrieve their devices at the end of class and go to their next class where they will deposit their phone/device in the storage pocket or backpack once again. (Repeat until their schedule is over.)

  4. Cell phones and all mobile devices can be turned back on when time to leave and used to communicate directly with parents/friends who are assisting in transportation.

  5. While phone/mobile device usage is not permitted during the lunch assembly from 12:50 - 1:10 PM, staff and student leadership will be leading a short devotional and fun group talks/activities/games in efforts to develop community. Student are invited to engage at their level of interest while they eat.

  6. If a student needs to make an emergency call during the day they are to come up to the admin table and use the Class Source phone or ask the instructor for permission to use their phone.

  7. Parents can call the Class Source phone number (813) 444-3920 for any emergencies that arise during their student’s class hours. Admin will relay all messages to your student immediately. Students will be able to check their phones BETWEEN CLASSES.

  8. Students with a need of their mobile phone for medical reasons (documented) will be given special exceptions.

  9. Breaking the policy will result in confiscation of the device by staff/admin. Devices will be placed in a lock box and labeled. The student can retrieve the device at the end of the day and parents will be advised.

  10. This policy does not include large tablets and laptop computers that are needed for work in classes or study hall areas.

Study Hall Policy

For the safety of our Class Source community, students are not permitted to be unsupervised on campus.


Any student who has a "gap period" between classes (a class session in which they are not enrolled in a class and yet remain on campus) must either have a parent or adult guardian present on campus supervising the student OR be enrolled in Study Hall for any class period during which they will be on campus but not attending a class.


Study Hall is not designed for 1st grade and under. Students in Study Hall need to be able to sit for an hour calmly, without needing to be escorted to the bathroom, etc. Study Hall is monitored but with safety and academic attention; it is not an emotional care situation.


Study Hall takes place in a designated area of the main building only, and students are expected to report to Study Hall on time and to remain in the Study Hall area for the remainder of the class period. They are not permitted to roam the campus or to leave the Study Hall area without permission from the Director or assigned Study Hall supervisor. Wi-Fi is available in the Study Hall area. Students within the Study Hall area may socialize quietly and/or eat their lunch or a snack, but will expected to respect the other classes going on nearby and to clean up their area before leaving.


Study Hall fees (year-long) are $100 per student per class period Study Hall is in use. For semester or quarter-long use of Study Hall, an adjusted rate would apply. You can register for Study Hall by adding it to your cart during your Registration process.

Mutual Commitments

​The Directors commit to:

  1. Seek to match available instructors and courses with the academic needs of material, ability to teach, personal integrity and a love for the Lord.  The Class Source Director reserves the right to replace one instructor with another if the circumstances become necessary. 

  2. Attempt to maximize learning by maintaining a class size between 3 and 20 students depending on the class structure. 

  3. Provide an active website and updates to inform Class Source families of all pertinent information and announcements. 

  4. Provide instructors with quarterly grade report forms.

  5. Serve as a liaison with our host facilities. 

  6. Act as a mediator between students/parents and instructors when appropriate. 

  7. Attempt to handle all difficulties and conflicts with integrity and in a biblical manner, according to the guidelines of Matthew 18:15-17.


Our Instructors commit to:

  1. Provide quality instruction in a Christian environment. 

  2. Provide parents and/or students with course description, textbook list, syllabus, and homework assignments in some format for each class and update grades regularly in our online grading system. 

  3. Attempt to handle all difficulties and conflicts with integrity and in a biblical manner, according to the guidelines of Matthew 18:15-17.


Parents commit to:

  1. Purchase books and materials prior to the start of each course.

  2. Communicate clearly and consistently with their students to ensure that all assignments are completed on time and that their student is fully prepared to participate in class. Some courses will require the parent to correct work.

  3. Communicate with Class Source instructors, to inform them of planned absences, to make arrangements for missed lessons, and discuss any changes or concerns about their student's learning.

  4. Make sure students arrive on time for classes dressed appropriately. (See Dress Code.)

  5. Pick up their children in a timely manner after classes or pay the study hall fees.

  6. Stay informed via the website, by opening emails, and viewing the calendar.

  7. Attempt to handle all difficulties and conflicts with integrity and in a biblical manner, according to the guidelines of Matthew 18:15-17.

  8. Review the Class Source Program Guidelines and Code of Conduct with their students.


Students commit to:

  1. Abide by the rules of dress and conduct.

  2. Come prepared for class and complete all assignments on time.

  3. Be in their seats and prepared for class at the start of the class period.

  4. Attempt to handle all difficulties and conflicts according to Matthew 18:15-17.

  5. Read and agree to abide by the Class Source Code of Conduct.

  6. Treat all instructors, the Director, and volunteers with respect and honor.

Conflict Resolution
  1. ​Any question or conflict should be addressed directly with the instructor or offending party, in person if at all possible.

  2. If assistance is needed after this step has been taken, the Director will arrange to meet with both parties and facilitate a resolution in line with Class Source policies.

  3. If a resolution is not found, the Board of Directors may be approached in Written Format within one week of the above steps.​

Code of Conduct

​​Parents are responsible for their own children’s behavior to ensure they are acting in accordance with the Code of Conduct (see below) and all Class Source Policies. Any student or parent who will not abide by the Code of Conduct will be asked to leave the program without refund.

Dress Code

Please dress in a way that minimizes distraction and reflects the spirit of our community:


  1. Make sure underwear, midriff, cleavage, and butts are fully covered at all times (even when you move). Avoid drawing attention to specific body parts.

  2. Shorts must reach at least mid-thigh (even when you sit or move). Skirts or dresses must reach at least to knee (even when you sit or move).

  3. Sleeveless tops must have straps at least 3 finger-widths wide, and no gappage on the sides/underarm areas (we should not be able to see in the side of your shirt).

  4. Avoid inappropriate text or images on clothing.

  5. Avoid cross-dressing and/or distracting makeup.

  6. If you choose to wear form-fitting bottoms, please cover your behind with a long shirt or sweater. (Refer back to point 1.)

  7. If you choose to wear a form-fitting top, please wear something loose over it. (Refer back to point 1.)​


If Admin or Instructors find that your attire is in violation of these principles, you will be asked to change or leave campus. Understand the following disciplinary procedure for violating the dress code:

  • Offense #1 - Parent will be called to bring the student proper dress. The student will not be in class while waiting.

  • Offense #2 - Parent will be called to bring the student proper dress and pay a $25 penalty.

  • Offense #3 - Student will be removed from the Class Source program without refund.

Behavioral Code

It is assumed that parents will provide sufficient oversight to ensure their students conduct themselves honorably and adhere to the Code of Conduct while they are at Class Source.


Class Source is designed to provide instruction to a willing audience of self-disciplined young men and women. Because of the concentrated classes and considerable student preparation outside of class, students who lack the self-discipline or adult supervision necessary will find success difficult and are advised to seek other home-school options.


  1. Students and Parents will act in such a way that their words and actions promote the unity and encouragement of fellow students.

  2. Students and Parents will avoid acting in such a way that is considered disrespectful, offensive, immoral, intimidating or rude.

  3. Students and Parents will avoid gossiping to or about others.

Character Code

    • Be prepared, attentive, and free from distraction.

    • Conduct yourself in accordance with biblical standards and in a manner which will not be distracting to other students.

  2. UNITY

    • Act in such a way that your words and actions promote the unity and encouragement of fellow students.


    • Students violating personal or academic integrity through plagiarism or cheating may be dismissed without refund.

    • Students will avoid acting in such a way that is considered disrespectful, offensive, immoral, intimidating, or rude.

    • Students are expected to exemplify excellence in their personal behavior, conducting themselves in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord.

Verbal Code

    • Students will avoid gossiping to or about others.

    • Students will speak and act in a kind and encouraging way to others.


    • The halls must be kept clear and quiet.

    • Students will speak and act with respect and honor toward instructors, the Director, and volunteers.


    • Conflicts are to be handled according to biblical principles (Matthew 18:15-17):

    • Any question or conflict should be addressed directly with the instructor or offending party, in person if at all possible.

    • If assistance is needed after this step has been taken, the Director will arrange to meet with both parties and facilitate a resolution in line with Class Source policies.

    • If a resolution is not found, the Board of Directors may be approached in Written Format within one week of the above steps.

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