Instructor: Kayla Erickson
Course Description: This class is designed for students Kindergarten-3rd grade. Each class will be designed according to each level which is determined at the beginning of the year. Following a Charlotte Mason approach, each week we will break down poems or picture studies, as well as faith-growing verses to help encourage writing and to reinforce what students are learning. Students will learn or grow more in their grammar skills to understand sentence structure.
Course Objectives: Educational activities and assignments also include memorization, grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, CVC and CVC-E words, observation, psalms, and letters. Students learn to apply their new skills by creating their own stories from pictures and sentences.
Grade Level: K-2nd
Class Time: Tuesday 11:40AM-12:55PM
Course Duration: Full Year
Required Materials(s): folder, pencils, glue stick, crayons and markers
Supply Fee: $15
Course Prerequisite(s): Students must have understanding of alphabet and some writing skills. Students should have an understanding of sounds to form words.
Classroom Expectations: Students must be able to sit still for long periods of time. Students must be able to work well with teacher and others. Homework is encouraged to be completed each week to help strengthen the skills the following week in class.
Grading Policies: Students will be graded based on work being completed or incompleted. Attendence will be counted. Parents must inform instructor on any planned or unplanned absences or tardies so the instructor may plan accordingly.
Grading Scale: complete/ incomplete , test- 90-100 A
Additional Information: Supply fees may be paid via cash, check, Venmo and Cash App. Please see Mrs. Kayla for more information. K-3 lower elementary
K-3rd Language Arts (2024-2025)
About the Instructor: Hello! My name is Kayla Erickson. I am a mom here at Class Source and of course a homeschooling mom who already has a background in early childhood education. I taught prekindergarten for many years, and then ventured into teaching English for international students between the ages of 4-13 strictly online. I decided to join Class Source as an instructor because I felt the importance of giving back to the homeschool community. I am excited to offer a new course to make learning enjoyable for your young one!
Objectives: We will be exploring different books each week on various age appropriate topics. We will discuss the different elements to look for in reading such as: setting, characters and the plot. After each reading, there will be an activity planned to go with the reading such as an art activity, food activity or a game. For our grammar and writing portion, we will do assessments in the beginning of the year to make sure that they are at their level. We will be learning how to write, and we will learn different grammar components such as nouns and verbs with games and activities. One on one time with each student will be given on rotation each week to view their progress.
Homework: There will be homework sent home on occasion or as needed. I will also send home handouts, which will be distributed at the beginning of the year, to keep at home with sight words, vocabulary words, verbs, nouns and other fun game ideas to do at home. This can be a supplemental tool used for the student to get more practice in. Check folders every class to make sure we have Make sure to open your email from me via Thinkwave to see what homework needs to be turned in.