Instructor: Miriam Ezra
Course Description: In this course we will learn the basics of what makes music happen! We will discover how to read sheet music as well as learning rhythm and history, along with fun projects like ear training! Our learning will be from the perspective of the piano, although basic music theory is essentially the same across all instruments.
Course Objectives: Students will learn to read sheet music, keep rhythm, identify different eras of music, musical phrasing, and more!
Grade Level: 9th-12th
Class Time: Tuesday 1:15PM-2:30PM
Course Duration: Full Year
Required Book(s): Keith Snell's "Fundamentals of Piano Theory" books Preparatory, 1, and 2
Required Materials(s): Pencils for class!
Classroom Expectations: Students need to attend as many classes as they can and as frequently as they can! Attendance and participation are a huge part of this class, as are the lectures. Cell phone usage should be limited, and we will all respect each other.
Grading Policies: Grades will be 50% attendance/participation and 50% homework/in class assignments.
Grading Scale: Standard grading scale. A=90-100% and so on.
Additional Information: Mature 8th graders are also welcome in this class.
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