Note: This is a ONE SEMESTER class, beginning in JANUARY 2025.
Instructor: Debbie Tharp
Course Description: This class will introduce the fundamentals of hospitality and personal etiquette.
Course Objectives:
Greetings & Introductions – human relational skills
Correspondences – Invitations, Responses and conflict resolution
Financial planning - economic principles of hospitality
Hosting - organizational structure of lodging & spaces
Hospitality - responding to guest needs, requests, and concerns.
Table setting & Food Courses – casual & formal settings, party planning menus
Identify careers in hospitality
Grade Level: 13-years-old and up.
Class Time: Tuesday 2:35PM-3:50PM
Course Duration: Semester 2 (Jan-May)
Required Book(s): The Ladies’ book of Etiquette and manual of politeness by Florence Hartley, Unreasonable Hospitality
Required Materials(s): 3 ring binder, paper, dividers (7), At home computer device (can be tablet)
Supply Fee: $15 (for Name tags, stationary, cutlery & paperware, gift making materials)
Classroom Expectations:
Active Participation during class.
Self-ownership: Be in the classroom on time.
Ownership: Clean up after yourself; focus on work at hand. If unsure what to do, ask for clarification.
Achievement: Complete work on time, bring needed materials.
Respect: Respect fellow students and each individual’s creative abilities, listen attentively, follow procedures.
Phone Policy: Cell phones will only be allowed during specific times and for class use exclusively as the instructor indicates.
Grading Policies: Grades will be determined by attendance and participation. Completed projects 80%, Attendance 10%, Homework 10%
Grading Scale: 90-100 =A, 80-89=B, 70-79=C, 60-69=D, 50-59=F