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***Do not buy a guitar unless you have one already you might bring it to the first day of school*** We will be exploring different options then the students will get the information of where and how to buy the appropriate guitar.


Instructor: Karina Hernandez


Course Description: Students will learn the proper posture to play guitar. We will explore basic chords of familiar songs. We will learn simple melodies through sight reading and perform for one another. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Course Objectives: Students will learn:

  • Proper posture to play the guitar

  • Simple to complex chords

  • How to play simple to complex melodies

  • Best techniques for performance

  • Music notation

Grade Level: 6th-12th

Class Time: Tuesday 10:20AM-11:35AM

Course Duration: Full Year

Required Book(s): $25

Required Materials(s): Acoustic guitar, notebook, pencils, folder and music stand

Supply Fee: TBD

Classroom Expectations:

  • Regular attendance

  • Practice at home

Grading Policies: Participation in class 50%, Performance 50%

Grading Scale: S = Satisfactory, E = Skill to level, N = Needs work

Guitar Ensemble (2024-2025)

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  • My early introduction to learning music as well as my musical studies have allowed me to become a teacher that knows how to approach music from a more organic perspective. I stress the importance of establishing a good musical foundation, one that includes music literacy, yet I also recognize that it is equally important for students to comprehend music through feel. My students will become comfortable reading, writing and most importantly — hearing music.

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