Instructor: Earl Sack
Course Description & Objectives: It covers both the anatomy and the physiology of the human body’s 11 organ systems in detail. In order to take this course, the student MUST have completed a first year biology course. A first-year chemistry course is recommended. Along with lecture, there will be laboratory experiments to provide hands-on reinforcement of concepts presented during lecture. This includes frank illustrations and descriptions.
Grade Level: 9th-12th
Class Time: Tuesday 1:15PM-2:30PM
Course Duration: Full Year
Required Book(s): The Human Body: Apologia: Exploring Creation With Advanced Biology, The Human Body, 2nd edition, and the companion solutions guide/test booklet.
Required Materials(s):
Kaplan Anatomy Coloring Book, 4th or 5th edition
Internet access and email address
Recommended Book(s) and/or Materials(s): Apologia Student Notebook is highly recommended for this class.
Supply Fee: $50 lab fee to cover all materials used during labs
Course Prerequisite(s): Biology
Classroom Expectations: This is an academic class and as such, there is a large amount of reading to keep up with as well as the homework. Students will be expected to spend between 30 minutes to 60 minutes daily in order to stay on track with the workload. Late work is not accepted without instructor approval.
Grading Policies: 10% Anatomy Coloring pages, 30% based on Study Guide completion (questions found at the end of the reading), 30% based on Module Tests (16 tests total), 30% based on Lab Reports
Grading Scale: 100%-90% A, 89%-80% B, 79%-70% C, 69%-60% D, 59%-0% F