Course Description: This course is filled with projects and activities that will boost children's critical thinking habits, improve their collaborative participation, grow their creativity and develop their vocabulary and communication skills in Spanish through writing and talking about art. We will focus our exploration of the art world visiting different cultures through the Elements of Art and Principles of Design.
Course Objectives:
Basic Vocabulary around the family, animals, colors, numbers 0-billions, days of the week and months of the year.
Nouns, Verbs, Articles, pronouns.
Related Art projects in each lesson.
Grade Level: 3rd-5th
Course Duration: Full Year
Class Time: Tuesday, 11:40AM-12:55PM
Required Materials(s): folder with pockets notebook.
Supply Fee: $50 materials fee (for art supplies)
Classroom Expectations:
Active Participation during class.
Self-ownership: Be in the classroom on time.
Ownership: Clean up after yourself; focus on work at hand. If unsure what to do, ask for clarification.
Achievement: Complete work on time, bring needed materials.
Respect: Respect fellow students and each individual’s creative abilities, listen attentively, follow procedures.
Phone Policy: Cell phones will only be allowed during specific times and for class use exclusively as the instructor indicates.
Grading Policies: Grades will be determined by attendance and participation. Completed projects 80%, attendance 10%, homework 10%